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IDD Code: 00
Country Code: 290
Time Time
Monday, March 31, 2025 Capital: Jamestown
Time Zone Time Zone
Time Difference Time Difference
Jamestown, Saint Helena is ()
Daylight Savings Time Daylight Savings Time
Saint Helena does not follow DST
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City Calling Code
Tristan da Cunha+290-8
Country NameSaint Helena
Lat/Long-24.14347000, -10.03069600
BackgroundSaint Helena is a British Overseas Territory consisting of Saint Helena and Ascension Islands, and the island group of Tristan da Cunha.
ReligionsProtestant 75.9% (includes Anglican 68.9, Baptist 2.1%, Seventh Day Adventist 1.8%, Salvation Army 1.7%, New Apostolic 1.4%), Jehovah's Witness 4.1%, Roman Catholic 1.2%, other 2.5% (includes Baha'i), unspecified 0.8%, none 6.1%, no response 9.4%
Ethnic GroupsAfrican descent 50%, white 25%, Chinese 25%
EconomyThe economy depends largely on financial assistance from the UK, which amounted to about $27 million in FY06/07 or more than twice the level of annual budgetary revenues. The local population earns income from fishing, raising livestock, and sales of handicrafts. Because there are few jobs, 25% of the work force has left to seek employment on Ascension Island, on the Falklands, and in the UK.
Internet Users1,800
Mobile Phones1,267
Broadcast MediaSaint Helena has no local TV station; 2 local radio stations, one of which is relayed to Ascension Island; satellite TV stations rebroadcast terrestrially; Ascension Island has no local TV station but has 1 local radio station and receives relays of broadcasts from 1 radio station on Saint Helena; broadcasts from the British Forces Broadcasting Service (BFBS) are available, as well as TV services for the US military; Tristan da Cunha has 1 local radio station and receives BFBS TV and radio broadcasts (2007)