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IDD Code: 011
Country Code: 1-649
Time Time
Monday, March 31, 2025 Capital: Cockburn Town
Time Zone Time Zone
Time Difference Time Difference
Cockburn Town, Turks and Caicos Islands is ()
Daylight Savings Time Daylight Savings Time
Turks and Caicos Islands does not follow DST
Weather Weather
Country NameTurks and Caicos Islands
ContinentNorth America
Lat/Long21.69402500, -71.79792800
BackgroundThe islands were part of the UK's Jamaican colony until 1962, when they assumed the status of a separate crown colony upon Jamaica's independence. The governor of The Bahamas oversaw affairs from 1965 to 1973. With Bahamian independence, the islands received a separate governor in 1973. Although independence was agreed upon for 1982, the policy was reversed and the islands remain a British overseas territory.
Population51,430 (July 2016 est.)
LanguagesEnglish (official)
ReligionsProtestant 72.8% (Baptist 35.8%, Church of God 11.7%, Anglican 10%, Methodist 9.3%, Seventh-Day Adventist 6%), Roman Catholic 11.4%, Jehovah's Witnesses 1.8%, other 14%
Ethnic GroupsBlack 87.6%, white 7.9%, mixed 2.5%, East Indian 1.3%, other 0.7% (2006)
EconomyThe Turks and Caicos economy is based on tourism, offshore financial services, and fishing. Most capital goods and food for domestic consumption are imported. The US is the leading source of tourists, accounting for more than three-quarters of the more than 1 million visitors that arrived in 2013. Three-quarters of the visitors came by ship. Major sources of government revenue also include fees from offshore financial activities and customs receipts.
Broadcast MediaNo local terrestrial TV stations, broadcasts from the Bahamas can be received and multi-channel cable and satellite TV services are available; government-run radio network operates alongside private broadcasters with a total of about 15 stations (2007)